Friday, January 1, 2010

Listing the Year

I've been making lists. I like lists. I have written lists since I've been able to write. My mom will tell the story of the time I was supposed to be packing up my bedroom for a move and she checked on my progress a few days later only to find that I had spent my time cataloging all my books. And I had a lot of books.

I love planners. I always have more than I need. When I was in school, I even used them. I have a Moleskine planner that I absolutely love. I've started my year of change off by filling out basic information in it, like when I need to start planning birthday parties, when invitations need to be sent, when I need to book Christmas pictures, etc. It may be geeky, but I enjoyed looking at the year in front of me.

We exchange calendars at Christmas. My mom got me a sewing calendar this year. It's great. It has projects to make every few days that aren't too difficult. I'm liking that it isn't a daily project calendar the way some are. Added to my list of goals is completing the projects in my calendar.

I'm told that writing your goals for people to see helps you to achieve them. Either that or you fail publicly. I have big goals set for this year, with a few smaller wants thrown in. I'm going to write about them--whether they are being planned, actually happening, or I'm having trouble accomplishing them.

My goals (in no particular order and knowing there will be more and these will be tweaked):

1) to become an organized and dependable person
2) to keep a clean and clutter-free house
3) to return to school
4) to have crafty fun time (with a whole separate list of goals)
5) to return to my writing (this blog only partly counts)
6) to have a handmade Christmas in 2010

I started the year off by scrubbing out the fridge and freezer and throwing out everything that was expired. I'm caught up on the laundry. It's a small start. The year is young.

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